Whether you know it or not, there might be things you are doing that can effect your credit score for the worse. Even if you aren’t buying or refinancing a home anytime soon, you don’t want to be surprised by your credit score when you need it! The decisions you make can hurt or help […]
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This article is a “how-to” guide for moving up to your next home with as little stress as possible. Whether it’s your first time moving up or you’ve done it before, this is a great resource. This time around, you’ve got more to think about, plan, and “get right” than when you bought your first […]
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This week you will learn about down payment options and how much cash you really need (or don’t need) to get the loan you want. Remember that a down payment does not have to be a roadblock to homeownership! There are so many options these days that allow you to put less than 20% down […]
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This week’s article is all about what to say when you first contact a lender. And, guess what?! It’s not “How much can I be approved for?” No, no! Most people can be approved for much more than they want to spend. I’ll teach you exactly what to say and how to say it to […]
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Selling your home can be an overwhelming and emotional experience. You need smart, straightforward strategies that will help you maximize your profits, maintain control, and reduce the stress that comes along with this process. Although the exact strategy depends on a seller’s particular goals and timing, which I discuss with each of my clients individually, […]
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There seems to be some confusion about whether off-market properties are a good idea or a bad idea, so I wanted to share some basics with you. An off-market property in Santa Cruz County is a home that is not listed with an agent, or is listed with an agent but only listed in an […]
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Did an interest rate catch your attention the last time you were looking online? Maybe you’ve been thinking about buying a home, buying an investment property, refinancing, or getting a line of credit. Well, it’s very rare that the interest rate you see online will be the one you get from a lender. There are […]
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This article is for those move-up buyers who need to sell their current home first before buying their next home. At this point, you should know your criteria for this next home, your budget, and a neighborhood you’d like to focus on for your home search. You want to be fully prepared and ready to go […]
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One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a homebuyer is not knowing how much you can REALLY afford when purchasing a home. The next mistake is thinking too “big picture” when it comes to price range or purchase price. Stop right here before you make these mistakes! You’re going to learn the correct […]
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Why going under contract is NOT the time to celebrate and why doing a specific list of things during this phase of the selling process will make or break your home sale. Think of me as the project manager or even the event coordinator from the time you go under contract to well after closing. […]
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